Tacettin Fidan

 Şirin şirin narin narin

Ah nazlı seçkin gelin

Vah narlı erkin gelin

Kırmış mıyız sizi bizler?

Merhem ben de sarıverin

Dağ gökler dağlı bulut

Çift gözde yaşlı umut

Acı bizde onmak sizde 

Kurur yağmur feyiz umut 

Sert yelin sağır sesi

Duy eşsiz dargın peri  

Uçsun kışın göç serçesi

Aşka öten dil susmasın 

- İngilizce (English) -


Mira Karakitsou, 

Me Pomegranate, I Wooed;

Oh me coy distinguished bride

Oh my festive autumnal pride

Did I offend you at dawn?

I've got the ointment love: Put it on! 

Mountains and skies, clouds and mountains

There is hope in both of our aged eyes

The pain is mine, the healing is yours

The rain falls and then dries, 

But real hope never dies

The deafening voice of the harsh wind carry

Do you hear it?  My one and only angry fairy!

Let the winter's migrant sparrow fly

Just, don't let your heart singing of love ever die!

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