Tacettin Fidan

 Hacı Ağa

Hacı Ağa!  Arkadan gözün aç bak

Kimler neler dünyaya sulh katacak

Herkes her yerde nesne dava başka

Varlık burda kalanda bizim aşkta

Bize nasıl benziyor minik surat

Sanki senin nurundan kopmuş murat

Senin onda güneşin parlayacak

Onda senin ümidin yaşayacak

Belki bir gün doğar o haklı çocuk  

Yarın filiz anına sap tomurcuk

- İngilizce (English) -


Me Lord!  Open your eyes and look from behind

Who and what will bring peace to the world?

Everyone is everywhere, object, case is different

Existence is in what remains here, in our love

How does the little face look like us?

It's as if the desire has broken away from your light

Your sun will shine there

Then your hope will live

Maybe one day that righteous child will be born

Tomorrow will be the moment of sprout, stem and bud

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