Tacettin Fidan

 Kendi Hatandan Korun

Köyde bir Hasan vardı, bizce çok iyiydi, çok iyi

Bir Hasan daha vardı, ona herkes derdi çok kötü

Boklu dere geçerdi kenardan, suyu berrak bir su

Dağdan tepeden oluk gibi denize dökülürdü

İnsan aynen bu dereye benzer tabi, biyol insan

Ha öyle ha böyle, şarıl şurul bak nerede ise

Geçtiği taştan topraktan alır kendi nasibini

Kışları donar, baharda çağlar, böyledir iklimde

Her şeyde her yerde aynen bir gün batar biri doğar

Dünyada değişmeyen nesne vatandır derler, vatan

Ödenmez hiç bir zaman o güzel yurdun sahi borcu

Geçiverir nesilden nesile, adamdan adama

Methiyesi terbiyesine uygundur, bana göre

Kainatta ve doğada bu değişmeyen değişir

Issızca, sessizce, tenhada, hep çalınır havası

Gökleri, denizleri, çamuru bile bambaşkadır

Köylerimizden yükselir her can ateşi doruğa

Buhar gibi erir tekrar yükselir bu memleketler

Hatırı vardır güzelliğin vatanlar arasında

Bil ki az iyi pek kötüdür yabani medeniyetler

Yakarlar, yıkarlar, kınarlar şemsini bile bile

Rehberleri var, puşt fahişe rekabette birebir

Hem bilmez hem görmezler hiç kendilerinde hiçbir hata

Aralarında ise, vicdanlısı nadir bulunur

Kısır kalmıştır, köşede konuşur kendi kendine

Milletler ve devletler öter de durur dengine has

Komşular yeltenir, yüklenir dövülene, övünülen

Kahpe kıskan yelpaze gibidir yalaka ihtara

Bu bana, bu da bana, ama yoktur sana hiç layık

Sağduyu elindedir ya, ehli beceriklilerin

Amma, pek geri kalmamalı ruhlarının utkusu

Ya rahmettir ya vahşettir, ülküde küsur’u milli

Bulmalıdır bulmalıdır bütün bu tür hataları

Evvela hepsini aramaktır caziben kendinde

Deniz nehri, nehir denizi eder ya, her gün ıslah

İnsanın gayesi de, insanı rahat ettirmektir

Keza, yanlışlıklar tekrarlanmamalıdır her hatta

Şifasını bulamadıysan, o zaman hadi sakla

Böyle bir erdem vişnesi, her an dosttur dostlara

Yerde ve gökte himayen varsa, dağıt sevincini

Yaradan, peygamber, evliya ve ümmetin el verir

Ne var ne yok koyacaksın hepsini ortaya, zira

Kimi özenir, bekler bir şeyler hiç beklenmeyenden

Amma, ne kadar da güzeldir hiçten imana gelen

Hayatta insan olmalıdır sebep cefaya vefa!

Kıymetin artar, sevgin yükselir, eksik olmaz saygı

Artık her yerde her şeyde bu dava itibarlıdır

Yüz aksa, kalp toksa, cep boş kalmış olsa nedir rıza?

Denklemlere ahenkli güzide denklemler eklersen

Bakacaksın hep nerededir problemler ailede

Bakacaksın hep nasıldır işbu problemler mevkide

Bakacaksın hep nedendir böyle problemler makamda

Anlayacaksın nedir derdi dermanı yaşlanmanın

Göreceksin inşallah sende bütün hatalarını

Toplanır, azalır, yine toplanırlar birden hepsi

Say bakalım, say bakalım, iyi kötü deva, bir bir

Bu dünya kim kime tım tıma mıdır - her bir kişiye?

Eyvahlar olsun öyleyse, öğretiye kim rastlarsa!

Hayatta en önemli koşul zaten dikkattir, dikkat

Bilinir ki bu şart her an ister bizden muhafaza

Muamma serin ve şakir muameleler görmezse

Durumun durumuna artık durulmaz dayanılmaz

Çakılır önümüze deccal ve hamle’i ucube

Allah korusun!  Yine, cavcav Hasanlar yaratılır!

- İngilizce (English) -

Protect Yourself From Your Own Faults

There was a man named Hass in our village, we thought he was a good guy.

There was another Hass, everyone used to say that he was bad.

So called 'Shitty Creek' crossed the edge of our town, its water was so clear!

It poured into the sea like the falls, originating from the mountains and the hills.

A human is just like that Creek, poor man.

Going this way and that way, he is stuck where he is found.

The Creek gets its share from the stones and the soil it passes through.

It freezes in Winter, ages in Spring, this is the way it is in its own climate:

In everything, everywhere, just like a day that goes down, someone is born.

They say the unchanging object in the world is one's homeland.

The real debt to that beautiful country will never be repaid.

It passes from generation to generation, from man to man:

Its eulogy suits its decency, 

In the universe and in nature, this unchanging rule changes.

Lonely, silently, secluded, the air is always played.

Even the skies, seas and mud are different.

Every life rises from our villages to the peak of light above:

These countries evaporate in the air but rise up again and again in time:

There is a long memory for such beauty among all the homelands in the world.

We know that less good is more bad for wild civilizations:

They burn and get washed up when they condemn the light of of knowledge.

They got guides as whores, as they pretend to a one on one competition in society.

They don't know and they don't see any fault in themselves.

Among them, the conscientious are rare.

He's barren, talking to himself in the corner.

Nations and states? Some keep on singing while others stand still.

Neighbors boast about the victors of the defeated, 

The bitch of history is a jealous fan, flattering but with warnings.

This one is for me, and this one is for me, but there is none worthy of you! says she!

If Common Sense is in the hands of the people of skill,

the victory of our souls should not be far behind.

It is either a mercy or a brutality, for the ideal is oddly national.

We should find all such errors.

First of all, your charm must seek them all.

The sea is the river, the river is the sea, every day is corrected:

The purpose of man is to make people comfortable thru life.

Likewise, mistakes should not be repeated.

If you can't find a cure, but know the illness, then let it stay hidden.

Such a cherry of virtue is always a friend to friends.

If you have protection on earth and in the sky, spread your joy.

The Creator, the Prophet, the Saints and the Community,

put it all out; because one

who cares, expects what is unexpected.

But, how beautiful is the one who starts from nothing,

a man must be the reason for mercy to suffering!

Your value increases, your love rises, there is nothing missing in respect.

Now, everywhere and in everything, that is reputable!

What is consent if the face is torn, the heart is full, the pocket is empty?

If you add harmonious eminent equations to the equations.

You will always see where the problems are in the family.

You will always see how these problems are in there in the first place.

You will always see why such problems are in positions of power.

You will understand what is a cure for aging, and

I hope you will see all your mistakes:

They add up, they decrease, they come together, again all at once!

Count and keep counting, good and the bad, but cure, one by one:

Is this world condemned to self-interest that's in everyone?

Woe then, whoever stumbles upon this teaching!

The most important condition in life is attention.

It is known that this condition requires protection from us at all times.

If the enigma is not treated calmly and with respect, the

state of affairs of the state can no longer be stopped from a self-destruction: this would be unbearable!

The antichrist will then come and confront and confound all of us with his freaky moves.

May God have mercy on us!  For once again, the Bad Hass would rise and rule the human village!


Bendeniz bu şiiri Muhteşem Mehdi’nin (Balthasar Gracian) vecizelerinden Türkçe’ye çevirdiğim mevzubahis yorumlardan derledim.  - TF

For your information:

I had compiled this poem from notes and comments that I translated into Turkish from the aphorisms of Balthasar Gracian.  - TF

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