Tacettin Fidan


Nihal’in tek isteği

Sevgiydi her dileği

Sizdeyse hep arzusu

Sizdeydi her niyeti

Şöyleydi bir türküsü:

“Ak koyunun kuzusu

“Al gelinin arzusu

“Delse sende nikahı

“Kim olacak yavrusu?

“Göster Mevlam bana yol

“Kıyamete hakim ol

“Talihsize zahmet çok

“Şen olasın hep Şen ol”

Nihal’in tek serveti

Vasi’ye her yemini

Maksadı ve onuru

Vicdandı hep kefili

- İngilizce (English) -


Joy's one and only wish

Was like her every wish, 

it was love

But caged like a dove

She had a strong desire

All her feelings were on fire

One of her songs went like this:

“O lamb of the white sheep

“Redheaded bride's in love, weep

"If it's true, 

"That she is not married to you

“Whose baby will she carry?

“God, open the skies for me

“I'll conquer the apocalypse

"I'll discover new fellowships

“Lighten my burden, the unlocky one

“Warm and cheerful, 

"Cheerful I'll be from now on”

Joy's one and only wealth

Was a sad commonwealth

For she housed a real scorpion

In an oath made to her guardian

Her life's purpose and her honor

Always her guarantor

Was her bond to be cautious 

In her faith, 

compassion and conscience


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