Tacettin Fidan

Bekledim seni - Hani gelecektin?

Derde derman duygulara
Gün batarken mor sulara
Tam vaktidir muştulara

Çal devrini in göklerden
Çık denizden boş sahilden
Bul yuvanı gel sahiden

Kalk yuvarlan bir esiver
Hoş bir yel ol dön dönüver
Dinsin kalpte keder yeter

Kuşkulanma var gel canım
Hasret bitsin kalk gel canım
Hele bir gel bir gel canım

- İngilizce (English) -


I waited for you,
I thought you'd come.
Why didn't you?

Cure for emotions
And the purple waters at sunset
It's high time for good news

Steal your era and descend from the skies
Get out of the sea, off the empty beach
Find your home, come home

Get up and roll over
Be a pleasant wind, just return
Let the sadness end in our hearts, 
its enough

Don't have any doubts, please come over - dear
Let the longings end, please come down - dear
Come on! Come on!  
My one and only darling... oh, my dearest one!

© 2018 - Tacettin Fidan

Esin Engin Orkestrasi - Saffet Efendi (1975).mp3

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