Tacettin Fidan

 Ay Yıldızın Uğruna

Bak işte! Göklerin mübarek ışığı

Saçıyor şavkın yerlere, her göze

Biatlar her gün müşahedesine

“Dalgalan Ayçam!”  Demiş - haşmetveren

Rüzgar üflüyor şanlı çehresini 

Her yaşta canlı bayrağımız - hep genç 

Hayranız seyrine onun altında 

Refakat etsin herkes umuduna

Canı bezmiyor en sert yükseklerden

He!  Yuvarlanabilir mi gününden,

Varken itaatkar gözler göz göze?

İhtida olacak düşman ihtida!

Alçak nahiye kalmaz bu etrafta

Öğlen gibi albayrak parlayınca

- İngilizce (English) -


For the sake of the Crescent and Star:

Look here! The blessed light of the skies

Spreads its rays to every place, and all eyes

Every day witnesses the obedience

“Wave, wave my new moon! Holy "Reuerence!"

Wave, O Crescent Pine!” Of inward dignities,

So said the Majesty of Majesties!

The wind blows upon its glorious face

Our flag, always young, in every space

Vibrant at every age, and in every place!

We admire its sight safely and free underneath

May everyone follow their hopes and breathe 

It never tires, even from the highest heights

Yeah! Can the obedient eyes turn off its lights? 

Nay! It won't time out, won't miss its day of glory!

There are eyes eyeing each other from a long century

No lowly place remains in this vicinity

Indeed! The enemy we'll win over; wish soon, but in tune

When the crimson flag shines like the sun at noon

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