Tacettin Fidan


Aşkta beklemek varmış güldürürse amenna

Sabır ve sebat yarmış kavuşmazsak amenna

Kolaylıkla olmazsa özlemek adanmakmış

Sevgiye hayal deyip görenlere amenna

Boşluğumu doldurdu ona doymak kısmetmiş

Buyurduğu meyveye doymasam da amenna 

Tanırım o cevheri baygın aygın gözleri

Benzerlerinden aşkın cin de olsa amenna

Yok gaile bu dertte doğru söze bağlandım

Hoşlanarak bakmağa seyretmeğe amenna

İçten bağlı vefalı saygın ele uzandım

Keder etmez merdane mecnun olsa amenna

Yüreğinde bir sır var günah değil sevaptır

Vallah beni seviyor vebaline amenna

Barınır ve katlanır onun ruhu duygudur

Yakıntısı çok sevmek tebliğine amenna

Vardım canan bağına o kendinden ilkbahar

Kırlarını dolaştım mevsimine amenna

Dilek zamana bağlı aşkımız ise gerçek

Bir düş değil bu sevda gölgesine amenna

Kıymet verdim canana hürmetine inandım

İlham oldu o bana hayretiyle uyandım

- İngilizce (English) -


There is waiting in love, if it makes you cheer! 


Patience and perseverance need a beloved, 

if we don't meet again, Amen!

If it doesn't happen easily, longing becomes a conditional vow

To those who call love a dream and see it so, Amen!

She filled my emptiness; I was destined to be fulfilled by her

Even though I can't get enough of the fruit she served, Amen!

I know that gem and her amorous but sober eyes

Even if she is a sorceress, who is feistier than her peers, Amen!

No worries, I am relying on a good sign about this grief

So to relish seeing and watching in joy, Amen!

I reached out to her ardently loyal and respectful hand

It wouldn't sadden me, even if the little lassie was nuts, Amen!

There is a secret in her heart, not bad, but good where its at

I swear she loves me: So, come what may!  Amen!

She shelters and she endures, she is a sentimental soul 

To her message of loving someone way too much, Amen!

Found the vineyard of my lover, she is always there a spring season herself!

We wandered around the countryside for a while, so to her for all seasons, Amen!

A wish is limited by time, but our love is real

Maybe this is not a dream, but even to the shadow of her love, Amen!

I cherished and trusted my lover, welcomed her with empathy open-eyed

She was a true source of inspiration for me, as I woke up mystified

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