Tacettin Fidan

 Gece Gündüz

İçten bitkin daldım canım yatağa

Dinlen dedim yorgun argın bacağa

Varmış başka bir seyahat kafaya

Gayret tepe el kol işin bitmiştir

Düşünceler burdan uzak gitmiştir

Sevgi dolu bir zilhicce var sana

Bezgin gözler hep apaçık bak anla

Karanlıkta gördüm körün gördüğün

Hayalimde ben de kalmış gördüğüm

Takdim oldu gölgen bu kör sahneme

Yıldız gibi yükselmiştin geceme

İş gündüzün düş gecenin gayesi

Sana bana hicran huzur payesi

- İngilizce (English) -


I fell into my beloved bed, exhausted inside:

I told my tired legs to rest.

For my tired mind, 

yet another trip was in the offing 

I said: Keep at it, me head! 

O hands and arms, your work is done.

Thoughts have gone far from here

There is a loving pilgrimage: 

A holy expedition waiting for you.

Tired eyes always look wide open, 

try and understand;

I saw in the dark what a blind man sees.

What I saw remained in my dreams too.

Your shadow was introduced 

into this blind stage of mine

You rose like a star into my night

Work belongs to the day, 

but the dream is the end of the night

For you and me, sorrow is the cost of liberty

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