Tacettin Fidan


Gelirim diye aşkım yazdın o gün

Dolaştı durdu sarhoş bir bulut dün

Falcıya sordum onda yok dedi his

Bulutu örtmüş siyah beyaz bir sis

Namerde namus değil doğru bir söz

Seyretti camdan beni iki çift göz

Nemlendi gözler canım kızardı yüz

Yansada kalbim yare ovası güz

Gaflete düşmem etsen kötü bir laf

Olunca pişman artık sayılmaz gaf

Kalbimi deşen sözün vedası af

Suçluya gamı onmaz ise iy söz

İnanmam size bize namustur söz

Gözyaşı dökme incim dön geri dön

Beklerim muştu bana fidyesi yön

- İngilizce (English) -


You wrote to me that day, my love, 

saying that you'd come.

A drunken cloud wandered around 

all day yesterday

I asked a fortune teller about you,

he said you lacked feelings.

A black and white fog veiled that cloud

A true word does not endow 

a despicable person with integrity 

Two pairs of eyes watched me from the window

My eyes are moist, my dear, my face is red;

but, my heart is fuming mad. 

For a heavy-hearted lonesome lover,

the green grassy plains are like a winter in autumn. 

I won't mind it even if you said something bad about me:

It's a mistake but won't count as regret since it's made.

The farewell of the word that pierced my heart

is forgiveness

If good word does no good for the guilty,

I can't believe that a promise is a virtue meant for us

Don't shed any tears my pearl, come back

I will wait for the good news,

its ransom will be my direction forward.

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