Tacettin Fidan

 Nam ve Zenginlik

Servet ve zenginlikler hercaidir

Arada daimi kalan şöhrettir

Hayatta birincisi elzem ise

Ahrette ikincisi zaruridir

Hasetin aleyhinedir önceki

Ötekisi ise unutulmanın

Mal insanı isteğe teşvik eder

Bazen herkesçe yer yer desteklenir

Oysa şöhret zorla kazanılmıştır

Şöhret bizim arzumuzun kaynağı

Ve en iyi olan tarafımızdır

Halen o, devlerin kız kardeşidir

Kendini hep iter aşırılara

Ya korkunç ucube dev gaddarlığa

Ya da harika parlak dehalara

- İngilizce (English) -

Fame and Wealth

Wealth and riches are fickle

What remains constant in between them is fame

If the first is essential in life

The second is necessary in the afterlife

The former is against envy

The latter, however, is against oblivion

Wealth encourages human desire

Sometimes it is supported by everyone from place to place

Yet fame is gained by force

Fame is the source of our desire

And it is our best side

Still, it is the sister of giants

She constantly pushes herself to extremes

Either to horrific monstrous cruelty

Or to brilliant, marvelous geniuses

Bilginize: Bendeniz bu şiiri Muhteşem Mehdi’nin (Balthasar Gracian) vecizelerinden Türçe’ye çevirdiğim mevzubahis yorumlardan derledim.  - TF

For your information: I had compiled this poem from notes and comments that I translated into Turkish from the aphorisms of Balthasar Gracian.  - TF

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