Tacettin Fidan

 Cömertliğe dair

Cömertlik akidesinin ispatı

Araç olsa harcanır mı borcuna?

Kendi kendiliğinden şen doğanı

Kimler katamazmış masraf suçuna?

Belki pay kendine kalmaz mirası

Vakit vaadi insana bir kira

Samimiyse kulun övgüsü farzı

Bak zaman veriyorsa al bedava

Madem ki böyleymiş alın yazısı

Hamle olmaz pintiliği zamana

Kula bulaşmışsa servet israfı

Kârsız kalır mahşer vakti mezarda

Yekününe kûsur ise sevabı

İzzet ve lezzet fark etmez günaha

Vakit varken dolaş kendi malını

Hediye sensin kendini kandırma

İnşallah büyüktür sevap hesabın

Göç edince artık kalsın çağrıya

Türbelensin sende güzellik sırrı

Günah vasiyet kölelik kullara

- İngilizce (English) -


Proof of the creed of generosity

If it is a vehicle, will it be spent on the debt?

spontaneously cheerful born

Who cannot add to the expense of crime?

Maybe he won't get his share of the inheritance.

The promise of time is rented to people

Praisings of the servant is obligatory if he is sincere

Look, if time allows, buy it for free.

Since it's like this, it's destiny

You can't be stingy with time

Wasted is your wealth, if you as servant are infected with greed

It will remain unprofitable in the grave at the time of judgement.

If there is a fault in its reward as a whole, 

Honor and pleasure do not matter to sin

Go around your own property while you have time.

You are the gift, don't fool yourself

I hope your good deeds are great

When you migrate, let your good deeds remain

May you be buried in the secret of such beauty

For sin's bequeathed are damnation of the wilful 

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