Tacettin Fidan

 Necmi’ye mektup

Sonuna kadar burda

Uzaklardan uzakta

Terk edemem seni ben

Ruhum yanıbaşında

Hiç uzaklaşamadım

Ruhunda nöbetteyim

Düşmana bir sorda gör

Şerlerine sin kazdım

O açgözlü cadılar

İmandan çokça korkar

Pörsük genç kızlar gibi

Bil ki uyumuyorlar

Koş oraya süratle

Şeytan avla her yerde

Nereye giderse git

Korkma ve yılma sende

Günahtan türemişler

Gün-ah bitirecekler

Vah! Kiralık dünyayı

Çalmış cinler periler

Çoban olma hasrete

Kendin yürü kendine

Bu dünya camin olsun

Sabır aşk ibadette

Göz kulak ol dikkatle

Örtünmesin helâle

Yanlış şeyin yazısı

Hak ezelden ezele

İtikat limanında

Eğil yüce ricaya

Yanaştır iradeni

Mübarek doğruluğa

- İngilizce (English) -


Here until the end

Far away from further

I can't leave you

My soul is next to you

I could never get away

I'm on guard duty in your soul

Ask the enemy and see

I dug up the graves for their sins

Those greedy witches

They are very afraid of faith

Like wimpy young girls

Know that they are not asleep

Run there quickly

Hunt demons everywhere

Go to wherever they go 

Don't be afraid, don't be discouraged

They derived from sin

They'll end with the day in pain

Oh! This world that's on loan 

Stolen by demons and fairies as home

Don't be a shepherd to longing

Walk to yourself by yourself

Let this world be your place of worship

Patience and love are worship

Keep an eye out carefully

Do not let yourself get veiled by worth!

Writings about the wrong thing, are good and true

Right from eternity to eternity is what's due

By the port of firm belief in God

Bow down to the supreme quest

Bring your will closer, closer

To the blessed righteousness

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