Tacettin Fidan

 "Ben melâmet hırkasını kendim giydim eğnime"

Ben melâmet hırkasını kendim giydim eğnime (eynime)

Âr u nâmus şişesini taşa çaldım kime ne

Haydar Haydar - taşa çaldım kime ne

Gâh çıkarım gökyüzüne seyrederim âlemi

Gâh inerim yeryüzüne seyreder âlem beni

Haydar Haydar - seyreder alem beni

Gâh giderim medreseye ders okurum Hak için

Gâh giderim meyhaneye dem çekerim aşk için

Haydar Haydar - dem çekerim aşk için

Sofular haram demişler aşkımın şarabına 

(Sofular haram demişler bu aşkın bâdesine)

Ben doldurur ben içerim günah benim kime ne

Haydar Haydar - günah benim kime ne

Sofular secde ederler meclisin mihrabına

Benim ol dost eşiğidir secdegâhım kime ne

Haydar Haydar - secdegâhım kime ne

Nesimî’ye sordular kim yarin ile hoş musun

(Nesimî’ye sormuşlar yarin ile hoş musun)

Hoş olam ya olmayayım ol yar benim kime ne

(Hoş olayım olmayayım o yar benim kime ne)

Haydar Haydar - o yar benim kime ne


My approximate Translation in English:

"I wore the shroud of injustice over me"

I wore the shroud of injustice over me

And I broke the bottle of rectitude over the rocks

So say I: “What is it to you at all?”

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one, O lover of God!

I threw it over the rocks

What is it to them at all?

At times, I ascend high into the skies

And watch the world below

At times, I descend back down to earth

And the world gazes at me

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one - O lover of God!

Then the world gazes at me

At times I visit the halls of knowledge

And study for the sake of God

At times I visit the tavern - now and again

But I sing long and sweetly about love

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one - O lover of God!

I drench the time when I sing long and sweetly about love

Votaries say that it is sinful

It is sinful - this fruit of my love, this wine!

It is me who pours and then drinks it!

It is my sin and mine alone! 

So say I: “What is it to you at all?”

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one - O lover of God!

It is my sin and mine alone! 

What is it to them at all?

Gathered together, the righteous ones prostrate themselves

Facing the niche of a mosque wall in the direction of holy Mecca

For me, it is a friend's threshold  

Where I grovel and plead before God!

So say I: “What is it to you at all?”

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one - O lover of God!

Where I grovel and plead before God

What is it to them at all?

They've asked Nesimi: 

"So far are you and your love now happy together?"

Whether I am happy or I am unhappy

That love is mine, and mine to behold!

What is it to you at all?

O brave one - O lover of God!  O brave one - O lover of God!

That love is mine, and mine to behold!

What is it to them at all?


(Pro: Cool Ness'seemy [Mortal Breeze])

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