Tacettin Fidan

 Ferişteler Alemi

Sağım toplar sevabı

Solum sayar günahı

Hakem buna ne hacet

Haktır işin ilacı

Biri der istirahat

Öteki der kabahat

Bunlardır meleklerim

Marifettir seyahat

Biri sever her şeyi

Öteki hep ecnebi

Günden uzak kal Nefret!

İflas etme sevgiyi

Kuluçkaya yatana

Azgın horoz varırsa

Terk eder yuvasını

Yumurtlar sokaklara

Günaha aşk diyenler

Nefse nefret dikenler

Orda varsa sahtekar

Sahtedir faziletler

Şu insan çok hatalı

Haram hile tadalı

Beddualı eksiğe

Islah olmaz tamahı

Ben zavallı bir kulum

Yoktur hariçte yurdum

Katmak dahile ahenk

Yasam, gayem ve arzum

- İngilizce (English) -

World of Angels

My right side records good deeds

My left side adds up all the wrongs

Who needs a referee for this?

God's Will is the right of this ordeal

Someone says rest and relax

The other says go on and attack

So, these are my angels

But the trip, requires a unique feature

Someone loves everything

The other remains always a stranger

Loathing, begone from the day!

Don't bankrupt love

When a hen set to brood

Meets a lustful rooster 

She leaves her nest

Instead, lays her eggs on the streets

Those who call sin love

Those who thorn hatred in the soul

These are the works of con artists

For such Vices are no Virtues

A man is so wrong!

Once he gets a taste of...

ill-begotten gains by ruse

He is so cursed with defects

He cannot be freed from cruel Greed!

I am a faithful human being

My homeland is not what's without

Adding harmony to what's within

Is my life, my purpose and my desire

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