Tacettin Fidan

Üzüm gözlü Hidayet

Hele bir gör kızıl üzüm asmayı

Nevşehir'de avizeler sarsmayı 

Baldan tatlı üzümlerin salkımı

Kara burcu beyaz buzgu bağlarda

Bozcaada pembe çavuş ambarda

Kopar kopar üzüm gözlü Hidayet

Bir ’he’ dîver sensin ümit sen devlet

Mis üzümü aşık Hüsam vefakâr

Gül üzümü viran yâre ol diyar 

Kara sakız hoş kokulu şıradar

Hadi bir gel keten gömlek toplarız

Hafız ali balbal ister soframız

Kopar kopar üzüm gözlü Hidayet

Bir ’he’ dîver sensin ümit sen devlet

- İngilizce (English) -


Just look at the red grapes on the vine

Chandeliers in Nevşehir shaking simply fine

Bunch of grapes sweeter than honey

Black Bush and White Ice 

still in the vineyards are Yummy!

But Bozcaada and Pink Sergeant 

now in the warehouse are for me!

Pearl, with her greenish eyes 

Plucks grapes with a smile:

A 'Yes!' from her lips is hope as my prize,

A ridiculous lover really gone wild!

Sweet grapes called Sam Hood, 

for the bard, are royal

But Rose grapes are friends of desolate lands, 

yet joyful

Black Gum produces pleasantly scented juice

 as a cordial

Come on, let's collect the Flax Vested grapes 

that are forever loyal

But our table needs the Reverend Ollie Honeywell, 

the kind that is auroral!


Pearl, with her greenish eyes 

Plucks grapes with a smile:

A 'Yes!' from her lips is hope as my prize,

A ridiculous lover really gone wild!

Not: Çok sevdiğim üzüm çeşitlerine bir methiye.

Note: A tribute to my favorite grape varieties.

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