Tacettin Fidan


Gittim evine

Yalnız gelmiştim

Başım dumanlı

Duygularım hoş

Pencerede sen

Mehtapta gölgen

Bembeyaz güller

Bahçen enfiye

- Yüzün parladı!

Gökte yıldızlar

Etmişti tavaf

Sen parıldadın

Ben aydınlandım

Toplar mısın kız?

Sakın sönmesin

Alev saçların

Yansın kalbimde

Sessiz sedasız

Kalpsiz köşede

Benden de sana

Bir ışık tutsun

Gözlerde güneş

Sağır, dilsiz, kör

Sihirsiz aşka

Talihtir kısmet

- İngilizce (English) -

Me’ hap

I went to your home

Alone, I was there

My head in the clouds

My feelings, happy

At the window, you -

Moonlit your figure,

Snow-white, pure white roses

Your batch of perfume -

Your face all lit up

In the sky, the stars

Wandered around you

You were their sun, shining

Filling me with your light

But, would you tidy up - girl?

Don't go out or ever wane

I'll keep your hair in a fiery air!

Let them burn in my heart

Free, and shy, and sure

In some heartless place

This then, from me to you

Take my light and behold

For our hearts, this is the sunlight

Deaf, mute, and blinding love

There is no magic in this love

For luck is its only destiny

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