Tacettin Fidan

 Eşref Vecdi

Neymiş mal? neymiş mülk? aslan yâr uslu dur

Selam ver helal et vatan sağ neslin sağ

Sebep ne? gaye ne? ağa kim? üzme dur

Anan o baban o millet sağ vatan sağ

Allah var kanun var devlet bir bayrak bir

Savaş hay barış huy müslim biz deva biz

Şanlı Türk karşı mülk takdir et vatan bir

Bizde hak bizde züht hürmet sulh biziz biz

- İngilizce (English) -


What is it? What is property? 

Beloved lion-hearted one, be good!

Say hello, and give your blessings to the homeland 

Your generation is alive and well

What is the reason? What is the purpose? Who is the expert? 

Stop, don't upset anyone

Your mother, your father, your nation, your country is full of life

There is God, there is the law; 

You've got a state, you've got a flag

War is this, peace is that, watch your temper 

We are the just and the honest ones

We are the cure!

O glorious Turks! 

Folks, appreciate what is alive, that is your people!

We are the homeland!

We are righteous, we are pious, we are courteous:

We are the peacemakers!

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