Tacettin Fidan


Çolak Kore gazisi

Gizli kalmış mazisi

Kara bahtına gülmüş

Köyün kahin elçisi

İki dakik sakala

İki dakik saçlara

Keser biçer berberdir

Makas tarak ustura

Cefa nedir hiç sorma

Tüm o zahmet tek kolda

Kısmet neyse o alet

Bağrı yanık fırtına

Sorsan hele bir lahza

Geç kaldım der namaza

Düşünür hep cenneti

Tatmin tahmin niyaza

Kime gönül gözünden

Kime tatlı sözünden

Söyler eğri doğruyu

Adam tanır yüzünden

- İngilizce (English) -


One armed barber was a Korean veteran

His warrior past remained well hidden

Lost an arm in that war, 

but laughed at his bad luck

Village oracle, ambassador, 

now a poor roebuck

Takes two minutes for a beard close shaven;

Takes two minutes for a haircut in Stonehaven

He is a barber who cuts and mows hair

with a scissor, a comb and a sharp razor

Don't ask him what is suffering, or harm

All that trouble is left for him, in one arm

Whatever luck is, darn!

Nonetheless, it is in his one skillful hand, an art form

He maybe sorrowful, but he is a burning storm!

If you ask him to stop, even just for a moment

He'll say, 'I'm late for prayers and bestowment'

He always thinks about his heavenly mission 

His guess is satisfaction is in supplication

He replies to some from an eye of his great heart

But with everyone else, he uses sweet words to just start 

He tells about the right and what is not right, so

Because he can tell about a man from his face and know!


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