Tacettin Fidan

 Gönül ferman dinlemez 

Gönül ferman dinlemez payitahtı sevgidir

Fırsata fırsat değil keşifleri sezgidir

Kaldırdım engelleri sevdiklerim yerleşsin

Yükselsin gönülleri yürekleri birleşsin

Bükülmez ve sökülmez kahrolsada eşinden

Değişmeyen nişandır vazgeçemez peşinden

Deniz feneri gibi yanar söner sarsılmaz

Şiddetli rüzgar çıksa yolu bilir şaşırmaz

Günler aylar seneler ebet aşka silahtır

Onu aldatamazlar o zamana ilahtır

- İngilizce (English) -


The heart does not always obey decrees, 

Its capital is love,

For love cannot be caged!

Opportunity is not by itself a happenstance, 

Since its discoveries arrive by way of intuition

I removed the obstacles 

So that my loved ones can settle in

Let their hearts strengthen 

And be united with their compassion

A person will not bend or be ripped off, 

Even if one is down on their loving mate

It is an engagement that is unchanging, 

One cannot give up on it, by just rearranging

Flashing like a lighthouse, unwavering

If a strong wind blows, 

A true lover knows the way and will not get lost.

Days, months, years 

Are forever weapons for love

But they cannot deceive a faithful lover,

Because a good soulmate is a deity of time!

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