Tacettin Fidan

 Dervişin Sırrı

Sordum, “Çin’den ve Yunandan ne aldın geldin ey derviş?”

Dedi ki:

“Saydamdır aşk ile güzel her bakış

“Kulak verir, olsa da her yanı bağımsız

“Şefkat taşır aşıkta dış görünüş

“Hürmetkâr, saygılı, içtendir sevgili her davranış

“Velhasıl, kelamı candan ve samimidir aşığın

“Ticarette ustadır, çalışır, her işte hep dikkatlidir

“Şüphelendiği vakit, fikir arar ve sorar her yerde ve her kişide

“Sinirlenince, öfkesinin çıkaracağı sorunları iyice tartar

“Çıkar ve kazanç görünce, doğru ve dürüstlüğe yönelir

“Evladına gelince, yeterli mesafe bırakır


“Cömert ruhludur

“Daima hüsnüniyetlidir

“Hafiften biraz ciddidir

“İyiliksever bir insandır

“Uzaktan sert görünür, fakat

“Yaklaşırsan, nazik ve nezaketli

“Pekişmiş, sebatkâr bir dili vardır

“Vukuf faziletine adanmış

“Gayreti, tek yüce gönüle sevdalıdır

“Gereklilik nedir?” diye sorsan,

“Kader, Üç Örgülü Yazgıdır” der:

“Hayat, o bir değirmen;

“Kısmet, sana taksim edilen;

“Ecel, her canlıya pay muhakkaktır.” 

“Ya gelen-giden ve çekilen gerçek?”

“Uzaktan çok daha yakın olan cennet

“Suskun, uslu has bir aşk

“Vicdan ve Merhamettir.”

- İngilizce (English) -

The Secret of the Dervish

I asked, "What did you take from the East and the West, O dervish?"

He said:

“Every look is beautiful transparent with love, 

“Lover listens, even though every part of that lover is independent

“Outward appearance carries compassion in a lover

“The loving action is respectful, heartfelt, and genuine

“In short, a lover's language is wholeheartedly sincere

“He is a master in trade, he works hard, he is always careful in everything he does

“When he is in doubt, he looks for opinions and searches everywhere and asks everyone

“When he gets angry, he carefully weighs the problems his anger will cause

“When he sees interest and gain, he turns to truth and honesty

“When it comes to his child, he leaves enough distance

“He is dignified

“He is a generous soul

“Always good-natured

“He is more than a little serious

“He is a benevolent person

“He looks harsh from a distance, but

“If you approached him well, he is gentle and kind

“He has a well-developed, unwavering sweet talk

“Dedicated to the virtue of knowledge

“His effort is a love for the One and only Great Heart

“What is necessity?” You may ask,

“Fate is a Thrice Braided Destiny” is the reply:

“Life, it's a mill;

“Destiny is what is distributed to you;

"Death is certain for every living being."

“What about the reality that comes and goes and retreats?”

“Heaven is much closer than far away

“A quiet, affable, true love

“It is Conscience and Mercy.”

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