Tacettin Fidan



Sağ tarafta bir gül, solunda bülbül

Kara kış bile, selâm der ahlâka 

Kurumuşsa güller, susma ey bülbül!

Her akşam merhaba, çeker ahlâka

Vay be, sen misin, ben miyim, yabancı?

Var mı Kâinatta bilmeyen sancı?
Kaşlar ve gözler, ah aşka  inançlı

Dereler, şelâle akar ahlâka

Meşale sanki, şu insan bedeni

İç kesesi dolmaz, çoktur gideni

Akasyalarda yok ki kış çiçeği

İnsaniyet namına, gel ahlâka!

Ne kadar yürek yandı, kül toz oldu

Dağ ateşlerine çamur yol koydu

Akıntı, tuzlu kokularla doldu

Sinmez ki vahşete, dönen ahlâka!

Ciddiyetle uğraşan, verir hakkı

Medeni mi, o dişsiz cadı aklı?

Düşüncelere felç gelir, hep saklı

Hatıradan ihanet, yok ahlâka

O canım Atatürk, uzaktan bakar

Maneviyatı, kime rozet takar?

Cahili çıkar be, cahili çıkar!

Can havli ödünç, giremez ahlâka

Dili ile çelik-çomak oynar önsöz

Onda manalar der ki: Gel beni çöz!

Her yeni doğan günden, bekler bir söz

O yanan mum, teşekkürdür ahlâka

Size ve bize, ay-yıldız görünür

Göklere çıkan, o kimsenin ürünüdür

O hayal değil ki, gerçeği görür 

Eziyet çölünde, yanar ahlâka

Adam ne asi ne de bir şeye kul

Mezarda ne gerek insana okul!

Orada ibadet kimlere menkûl?

Böyle saçmalar, yakışmaz ahlâka!

Bizim Soğanlıkta sarmısak satar

Karpuz isteriz, bize kavun sunar!

Vay! Din fahişesi, doğuyla yatar! 

Hasretler körükler, vurur ahlâka

Bilgiye dargınsan, yuh olsun sana

Yobaz! Senin neyin benzer insana?

Tövbe-estağfurullah, ha de bu cana

Güzel fikirler al da, ver ahlâka



On his right a rose, on his left, a songbird

Even dark winters say, 'greets' to morality

Though roses may've wilted, don't be silent, songbird!

Each night hails a "salute" to morality!

Wow! Are you or am I, a new foreigner?

In Creation, is there anyone who is pain-free?

Thou brows and eyes, ah they're full of love and faith

Like the Falls, its rivers flow to morality

You may liken to a torch, our human body

With an inner sack that's empty, due to loss

You know? Acacias, in winters they never bloom

For the sake of man, come to morality!

So many hearts burned, ashes and dust they've become

Mountains, they've spewed fire and them muddy roads placed

At full tides, the air was with saline odors filled

Yield not to wile, return to morality!

Those who struggle earnestly, condign whats right

Is what's civilized, a toothless witch's mindset?

Thoughts become handicapped, kept in secrecy

Memory is not a treachery to morality

That dear Atatürk, from far away he sees

Whom does his spirit award, when his pin's put on?

Knock off the stupid! The ignorant, subtract!

Deferred fright, can not enter morality

There are those who play baseball with words: forward!

Their ideations may say: Come here, and me, unbound!

From each new-born day, they wait for a new word

Such hot candles, grateful to morality

To you and to us, as a crescent-star it appears

Then, if so, what has reached the heavens is so fruitful

That's not a dream, what is real one can see

In the desert of pain, one must burn for morality

Man's no rebel, nor is he for anything, slave

In the grave, what's the need of mankind for schooling?

At such places, for whom is worship a transcendence?

Bunch of nonsense, unfit for morality

In our Onionville, he tries, Garlic to sell!

We want watermelons, he'll cantaloupes serve!

Woe! Religious tramp of the East!  Come Sundown, he'll again lie!

Provokes longing, and puts afire all morality!

If you're angry with knowledge, Woe on to you!

Bigot! What is it about you that resembles any good man?

Repent: "Forgive me O Lord!"  Say it to your soul!

Get beautiful ideas, but then gift them to morality

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