Tacettin Fidan


Kadının iyisini kainat kutsamıştır

Onda ve onunla en büyük annedir şefkat

Kadının nazik kalbine cennet taht kurmuştur

Ondan rüzgar gibi belirsiz esmez sadakat

Aklının güneşinden evrene düşen şevktir

Üstüne düştüğü her şeyi süsler o rahmet

Erkeğin erkekten çaldığı kız ışığıdır

Eş, kadın kadar güzel bezenseydi, ne haşmet!

Havva Adem yaratsaydı, yine aşığıdır

Erkek benliği kadının alevine esir

Aşkının gayesi onun umuduna hizmet

O kadın adamın keyfine ölür dirilir

O kadına feda aşkım, ondan ise kısmet

- İngilizce (English) -


The universe is blessed with good women

In her and with her, compassion is the greatest mother

Heaven is enthroned in the gentle heart of a woman

Devotion does not blow from her uncertain like the wind

It is the enthusiasm that falls 

From the sun of her mind to the entire universe

That mercy adorns everything it falls on.

A woman is a light that one man steals from another

If your mate is as beautifully adorned as a woman, what majesty!

If Eve had created Adam, she would still be his lover

A man's very self is captured by the flame of a woman

The purpose of his love is to serve her hopes

For such a man's simple pleasures however, 

That woman will die many times over, and come back to life 

To that kind of woman I'd gift all my love, 

From her I'd only expect a chance at marriage, 

And, I'd hope that our fortune wills it as such!

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