Tacettin Fidan


Cennet köşkü vardır elbet, 

gönle tahkim şu merhamet

İstikbale vakıf hürmet, 

büyüyecek duysan minnet

İç yurduna çeşme hikmet, 

iç doyurur nefis şerbet

Al can canım bir su sinem, 

Al cananım al iç didem

- İngilizce (English) -


Yes, there is a heavenly mansion,

That strengthens the heart with mercy

Respect is the foundation of the future,

It will grow, if only you could feel gratitude

The wisdom in your inner land has a big fountain,

Its delicious sweet brew will satisfy you

Take some water from the spring of my heart 

Take it my dear, take it and drink it, O my loving eye! 

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