Tacettin Fidan

 Ferda’nın Öyküsü

Yayla kumrusu Ferda

Sözlü topal ağaya

Gelin olsun istemez

Olmaz demiş nikaha

Ağa desen kararlı

Başlık vermiş nişanlı

Demiş Ferda nafakam

Tepe takla sevdalı

Aileler de mutlu

Düğün olsun umutlu

Adet derler Ferda’ya

İşte adet suçluydu

Tahsin komşu yaranı

Ferda ona sevdalı

Tek gönül Tahsin Ferda

Evlenmeğe kararlı

Anlamış işi ağa

Nerde demiş o’n baba

Çıkar ulan parasın

Çürük mal imiş Ferda

Lakin baba harcamış

Başlık-maşlık kalmamış

Bulamayınca çare

Kurşun yemiş zıbarmış

Köyden talep ağaya

İnsaf eyle sevdaya

Helal et davan vazgeç

Feda olma paraya

Tahsin varmış ağaya

Günah demiş davaya

Helal et artık vazgeç

Yoksa mermi kafaya

Ağa epey düşünmüş

Sağa sola götürmüş

Albay Tahsin Jandarma

Helal etmiş yürümüş

- İngilizce (English) -


Lucy, the highland dove

Bespoken to a Lame Lord in love

She doesn't want to be his bride

So, she said 'no way' to him, with pride!

But the Lord is a determined bull

He has paid the Bride's Price in full

Said, 'Lucy belongs to me!'

He is cockeyed in love, and so passionately

Both families are happy too

Hopeful for a wedding and beef stew

Told Lucy, its custom and tradition

So, the culprit was human vendition

Reese, a neighbor's boy was an old flame

Lucy, was always in love with him, no shame

The hearts of Reese and Lucy beat together readied

They had long ago made vows to get married!

However, the Lord understood the situation

He asked, 'where is her daddy - in exact location?'

He told her daddy to return his bride-price that was paid

Because his Lucy is not a product virtuous or high-grade!

But her daddy had the money all spent

Left without a penny or a dividend

He couldn't find a good solution

So, he ate the bullet as a restitution

The villagers from the Lord

Asked for mercy and implored:

'Say goodbye and give up your case;

Don't ice love for money, have some grace '

Reese went and saw the Lord spin

He told him that his case was a real sin

'Stand down and bless us lovers;

Or your head, a bullet soon discovers!'

The Lord thought about it a lot

Took it to the left and to the right

Colonel Reese is with the Military Police

In just a minute, the Lord walked away - thrust at peace 

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