Tacettin Fidan

 Zevkli sesler duyunca

Yoksa insanda şiir, doğmaz içinde nağme

Yoksa adamda şarkı - konmaz türkü diline

Kıpırdamıyor ise, zevkli sesler duyunca

İnanın isyankârdır - haindir o vatana

Oyun, taktik, manevra, aklında hep ganimet

Asla ona güvenme - melundan çıkmaz nimet

Devinir de devinir, cehennemle sevinir

Duyguları karanlık - kaynar kazan şehridir

O iblise hak ceza, çal çalgını çal usta

Güftesine bas damga - vur serpilsin havaya

- İngilizce (English) -


Otherwise, poetry in a person and a melody inside him would not be born.

Otherwise, a man cannot put a song on his tongue.

If he doesn't move, when he hears pleasurable sounds

Believe me, he is a rebel - a traitor to his country.

Game, tactics, maneuver, always with loot on his mind

Never trust him - he is not a godsend

He moves and moves, rejoices in hell and pity

His feelings are dark - for him, a boiling pot is his city

That demon deserves punishment, play your instrument - master, cheers!

Put your stamp on its lyrics - hit it, and let it sprinkle into the air; a feast, for good ears!

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