Tacettin Fidan

 Kayıp Yâr

Hacı bitkin ağlıyor

Çölde yoksul kolluyor

Fakir içmiş neşeyi

Keder iffet bulmuyor

Şeref ayıp tattırmış

Bakir namus sattırmış

Aklen ikmal rezillik

Topal aslan yattırmış

Yetki dilim kestirmiş

Ahmak kabil bezdirmiş

Sadık sövmüş Samimi

Hakim hekim gezdirmiş

Doğru reis mukayyet

Kötü reis hakaret

Hacı aşka susamış

Yâre kayıp nihayet

- İngilizce (English) -


A venerable old man is crying, exhausted

Watching over the poor in the desert

For a poor man who is drunk in joy

Grief is an enemy of candor

When honor tastes shame

A virgin will sell honor on the market

To make up for mental deficiency

is disgraceful

For a lame lion will

then lay down on the job

When authority cuts into a piece of harmony

Both the fool and the sage are disgusted

Loyal Truett cursed on Frank's sincerity, 

When a judge took a doctor for a ride

Righteous chiefs should take care

For bad chiefs will surely be insulted

The venerable old man is thirsty for love

But the loss of his lover, time will mend.

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