Tacettin Fidan

 Şen, Neşeli, Sevinçli, Sevgili

Gecikmeyin küçükler, usanmayın büyükler

Genç ihtiyar yok aşkta, hepimizi aşk besler

Peşine düş acemi, peşine düş pişkini

Korkma bugün var aşkta, korkma yarın neşeli

En kötüye yok sızı, en iyiye var hazı

Cennet nuru var aşkta, Mevla takmış yıldızı

Aşk eceli susturur, aşk ebedi doyurur

Yok zamana sulh aşkta, hak selâmet huzurdur

Yaşamında sevinç var, ölümünde şendir yâr

Korku dehşet yok aşkta, zevk sancısı manidar

Leziz vakit sunuyor, kısa uzun kesiyor

Maskaralık hız aşkta, hızlı yavaş geliyor

Gelir diye büsbütün, gider diye büsbütün

Umut kesme sen aşkta, her parçası en üstün

Talihliysen elem sök, mutlu isen sancı bök

Tedirginlik yok aşkta, huzur doldur keder dök

Aşk gayedir acısız, aşk gayedir korkusuz

Fırtına var her aşkta, eser ruha sınırsız

Eksik varsa zevkinden, belli olur kendinden

İhtiyaç var hep aşkta, ilki sonu istenen

Beğenilen seçilsin, mutabıksa sevilsin

Sevgi sondur her aşkta, kötü acı ölçülsün

En iyisi kötüdür, en kötüsü güldürür

Aksilik var hep aşkta, az ihtiyaç hükmüdür

Soğan ekmek yetişir, ziyafeti değişir

Açlık yoksa bir aşkta, aç dudaklar sevişir

Alışıver azına, mecbur kalma çoğuna

Az çok sağlık de aşkta, pahasına hiç korkma

Mutluluktur en sonu, beğenidir son yolu

Mirasyedi yok aşkta, en bahtiyar uygunu

Kes çıbanı rahat ol, çek duayı mesut ol

Sarhoş olma hiç aşkta, davran beğen ayık ol

Sağlam amaç dikkattir, şeffaf gaye iffettir

Bayıl ayıl bir aşkta, yerli onur devlettir

Ahlâk erdem tekliktir, saygın ömre yekliktir

Bağı daim has aşkta, koparılmaz birliktir

Seven kalbin imanı, mukaddestir duası

Korku duymaz hiç aşkta, kuvvetlidir inancı

Her canlının canı borç, her varlığın malı borç

İnsan borçsuz her aşkta, gerekmezi gel de ölç

Onaylanır gereği, dolaylanır ereği

Şanslı isen sen aşkta, mutlu kılar yüreği

Mesuliyet kuralı, sağır eder kulağı

Serbest isen sen aşkta, övgü konmuş durağı

Mevla hüküm kaniye, doğa hakim faniye

Sevgi devlet her aşkta, ömür vaki hediye

Güzellerin güzeli, ahmak zeki gizemli

Şansa gerek yok aşkta, her tarafı güvenli

Gece gündüz eğitin, ahlâk emri sevdirin

Cennet olup bir aşkta, sevgiliye bildirin

- İngilizce (English) -


Don't delay little ones, don't get tired all adults

There is no such thing as young or old in love, 

Love nourishes us all

Follow your bliss, newbie, follow it, you brat

Don't be afraid, there is today in love, 

Don't be afraid, tomorrow will be joyful

No pain for the worst, no pleasure for the best

There is the light of heaven in love, 

God is smitten with its star

Love silences death, love satisfies the eternal

There is no peace for time, love is the truth, 

Peace of mind and freedom from anxiety

Lover, there is joy in life and death, 

There is no fear or horror in love, 

The pain of pleasure is meaningful

It offers a delicious time 

But cuts it both long and short

Shenanigans speed up love, 

It is both fast and slow

All the time because it comes, 

All the time because it goes,

Don't give up hope in love, 

In every part it is fine

If you are lucky, dismantle pain, 

If you are happy, relieve pain

There is no anxiety in love, 

Fill up on peace and get rid of sorrow

Love is a purpose without pain, 

Love is a purpose without fear

There is a storm in every love, 

It blows into a soul at no limit

If there is something missing, 

It will be obvious by itself

There is always a need in love, 

The first one is desired as the last one

The one that is liked should be chosen, 

The one that's agreeable should be loved

Love is the end in every love, 

Let the hopeless get measured out

The best can be bad, the worst may make you laugh

There are always setbacks in love, in it

Less is the rule of something much in need 

Onion and bread is enough, the feast is variable

If there is no hunger in love, 

Hungry lips make love

Get used to little, don't be dependent on too much

You know, more or less, our health depends on love, 

Don't be afraid at the cost

Happiness is the end of all, 

Appreciation is the last exit 

There is no heir in love, 

The most fortunate one is the best fit

Cut your boil, relax, pray and be happy

Never get drunk in love, 

Try it, but be sober

The solid purpose is attention, 

The transparent purpose is chastity

In a love sober, native honor is the state

Morality and virtue are unique, 

They are unique to a respectable life

It is an unbreakable unity 

Whose bond is always found in true love

The faith of the loving heart, its prayer is sacred

There is no fear in love, its faith is strong

Every living being's life is a debt, 

Every being's property is a debt

In every debt-free love, 

Go and measure what is not necessary

It is confirmed by its purpose, 

It is also mediated by its purpose

If you are lucky, your heart will throb

Love will make you happy

The rule of responsibility deafens the ears

If you are free in love, 

The location of praise is grounded

God rules over mortals, 

Nature puts limits to mortals

Love is the state of bliss in every love, 

Life is a gift of love

For the most beautiful ones, 

For the foolish, intelligent, and the mysterious

There is no need for fate in love, 

Everything about it is safe and sound

Enlighten all day and night, 

Encourage people to love moral heights

Become a heaven in one love, 

Let your lover be, beloved

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