Tacettin Fidan


Yarin resmine kandım

Yarin ismine yandım

Geldi gitti mevsimler

Yarim hiç ölmez sandım

Lanet mevsimler düşman

Yarın bugüne isyan

Işık saçtı güzelim

Nerde yarimden kalan?

Dalsın anılar dalsın

İnat zamandan çalsın

Vursun vursun kalbimde

Dalga denizi azsın

Anı zamanı örtsün

Vakit gençliği övsün

Aşık aşka müptela

O gün ömrümü öpsün 

Buğday ekmeği derler

Yıldız yıldızı bekler

Tekne gemi bu hayat

Talih fani bir kader

Olsam zamana çıra

Yare öderdim kira

İsim resim ve mevsim

Aşk hatıra ve sıra

Çocuk bebektir büyür

Beşik mezara yürür

Her gün O’na dönecek

Ahret vakti  o gündür

- İngilizce (English) -


I was fooled by my lovers looks

I loved her name too in books, 

but ineffaceable were her jokes

Seasons came and went

Thought, love would never be spent

Damn seasons must be the enemy

As tomorrow and today won't agree

She glowed brightly, my rare beauty!

Where is... what's left in me, of that cutie?

Let the memories dive

Let's mock time and thrive

Let it beat and beat in my heart free

Let the sea waves overcome the big sea

Let the memories veil cruel time

So, time makes up with youth, 

for its crime

O, when a lover is in love 

with true love!

May such day be yours and mine! 

For a kiss of new life from up above!

With a wheat bread from a good Magyar

A great star will wait for a rising star

Like a boat or a ship, such is life at sea

Fortune is a mortal fate, and yet to be

If I were to time a torch to rediscover,

I would spend ever to bring back my lover

A name, a picture, and a season to smile

Is love, memory, and a soulful file

A child is a baby that grows up so brave

Yet all the cradles of life will, at last walk to a grave

We'll return to God what's in our every day

The time of afterlife maybe on just that day!

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