Tacettin Fidan


Her bir canın velisi

Kalsın ister varisi

Çünkü böyle bu dünya

Büyük küçük ecelli

Bolluk ise duamız

Güzelliktir ricamız

Neslimiz tükenmesin

Zaman ile davamız

Diler misin güzellik?

Var mı sende özellik?

Pinti zaman o pinti

Bulamazsın güvenlik

Merhamet et kendine

Nurlu ipek tenine

Bir gün lamban sönecek

Sende yanan kibrine

Sana Allah can vermiş

Fani dünya süslemiş

Acı acı gençliğe

Süsün füsun mühletmiş

Şevkin gömme harcama

Canı paylaş bir canla

Doymak bilmez oburluk

Bırak bir can cihana

Her bir şeyi yaratan

Her bir şeyi koruyan

Vardır Bir Yüce Varlık

Şaşma insaf yolundan

- İngilizce (English) -


Guardians of every soul, they

Want an heir here to stay

That's why this world is a portal

For young or old, we're all mortal

As abundance is our daily prayer

Our request is for kindness and care 

Don't let our kindred ones be beat and give up

Don't let our case with time end and be used up

Do you wish for beauty and kindness?

Do you have a very special tenderness?

Time is stingy, real stingy with generosity

It may or may not give you security or sympathy

Have mercy on what your wonderful self owns

Take good care of your stellar flesh and bones 

One day your lamp will go out too

With it, the arrogance and pride that burns in you

God gave you life, you're earthborn

So, this mortal world did you adorn

Be merciful to young ones and the menschen

You're attraction and charm is a blest extension

Don't bury or sap your grace

With another soul share your space 

Gluttony is an insatiable belief

Gift this world with life and relief

Creator of everything

Protector of everything

There is a Supreme Being, certainly

So, do not stray from the path of Mercy!

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