Tacettin Fidan


Üzülme kardeş, geçer

Maziye değen keder

Çamuru bırak kalsın

Yarına sevgin değer

Çalıya tohum düşmüş

Dibinde çiçek gülmüş

İffete ihlal fesat

İzine ifsat hürmüş

Günahın affı sende

Duyuya şifa sende

Rakibe rakip sensin

Savaşa barış sende

Hasıma kindir amaç

Arsıza hırlı muhtaç

- İngilizce (English) -


Don't worry brother, it will pass.

the grief that's touching the past

Let the very wet dirt remain,

your love is worthy of tomorrow

Seed fell on the bush

below, the flower smiled;

Violation of chastity is mischief,

its permissions are corrupt

The forgiveness of sin is in you

You have the healing for the senses

You are the rival to the rival

You have peace for war

Spite is the aim of enemies,

needed by the shameless to fight on

© 2014 - Tacettin Fidan

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