Tacettin Fidan


Bilmem neredendi senin iklimin

Sevap esiyordu geçen mevsimin

Gayen mukaddesti nura hizmette

Belli ebediydi gölgen tekbire

Dua okumuştun yaslı masuma

Rahmet eylemiştin hali vicdana

Töhmet inkarına mahkum öfkende

Yoktu heykellere mevki secdende

Türkân - cennetlisin, dünyan eserim

Sana vadelendi hayat bedelim

Geldin ilkbaharda ektin ekini

Aldın sonbaharda ahret yerini

Bana yağdırmıştın şefkat yağmuru

Mamur kurutmuştu hüsran çamuru

- İngilizce (English) -


I don't know where your climate came from

When good deeds of seasons past came around

Your purpose was at the service of the sacred light

It was obvious that your shadow was eternal

You read a prayer to the innocent mourners

You have shown all mercy and fairness 

Your anger condemned denial of incrimination

There was no place for the idols in your prayers

Turkan - you are now in heaven, but your world is my opus

The expense of my life was promised to you

You came and planted your crop in the Spring

You took to afterlife in Autumn

You showered me with a rain of compassion

Abundance dried the mud of disappointment

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