Tacettin Fidan

 Sana, ne değilim ki?

Arı kovanında bal arısıyım

Öttürdüm kavalı otlar koyunum 

Göklerin hakimi ben bir şahinim

Seherde guguklar benim baykuşum

Pusuda sabırlı dörtgöz sazanım

Kükrer hiddetlidir benim aslanım

Denizde avlanan Memed Yunusum

Baharım neşeli kışım neşeli

Yazım hep neşeli güzüm neşeli

Yeni doğan tohum filiz fidanım

Ey sevgili yârim neler istersin?

Dur bugün bir bekle yarın yârinin

Şarkı var türkü var koşma aheste

Sen bana bedelsin kısmet talihte

- İngilizce (English) -


I am a honey bee in a beehive with an intimate gaze

I blow on my flute while my happy sheep graze

Like the ruler of the skies, I am a hawk

My owls cuckoo in the morning, but I lead the flock 

I am a patient four-eyed carp waiting in ambush

My lion roars and rages inside and will not shush!

I am Mehmet and Jonah hunting the sea ever careful

My spring is cheerful and my winter is cheerful

My summer is always cheerful and my autumn is cheerful

I am a newborn seed and a sprout sapling, that's never fearful

Oh my darling, what do you want from what comes and hovers?

Forget today, all of tomorrow belongs to and is your lover's

There is a popular folk song, let's sing it slowly

You are worthy of me, our fate is our fortune and its holy!

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