Tacettin Fidan

 Aşk hırsızı

Beni benden alınca altın yelesi, bir melcede bulduk kuytu köşecik bir yer

Be nargile lülesi!  Bir baktım ki ne göreyim? benim hesaptan hep mangır çeker

Abo!  Bu da nedir?  Örtünmüş be yahu, dün dükkan vitrinindeki o kürk mantoya

Yepyeni sütbeyaz eldivenler giymiş uzun tırnaklı güzelim parmaklarına! 

Bütün düşünce ve sözlerimi bile çalmış, üstelik aşk ve itinada ister

Hırsızdı o aşk!  Uzun ve tatlı bir zaman çaldı benden, tabi bu ona uygun değer

Birden çiçeği kurudu, nefesi tükendi, vakti bitti!  Ah, ah!  düş düşman zaman!

Nerde öpücükler, hani o çekingen, sıkılgan, utangaç kadından bana kalan?

Bıraktı, ona satın aldığım kelepir ne varsa, çok çok pahalı bir fiyatta

Bu rüyamda, aldı başını gitti öteki dünya’ya, belki başka bir adamla! 

- İngilizce (English) -


When she, the one with a golden mane took me away from myself, we found us a secluded place 

Oh, the goldilocks off a hookah pipe! I looked and what did I see on her face? 

She was always migrating money for herself from my account as if she were in some serious race!

O Wow! What is this? She's covered up with that fur coat we saw yesterday in the shop window! 

On her beautiful fingers with long nails, she is wearing brand new milky white gloves, like a flamingo!

She stole all my thoughts in words, also she always needs a lot of love and care 

She is high maintenance! I swear!

That lover was a thief! She stole a long, enjoyable time from me, of course it was all worth it!

Suddenly her flower dried up, she ran out of breath, her time ran out - she split! 

Oh, oh! instead, take that time down under the ground: the felonious old foe of all humankind!

Where are her kisses now, and of what’s left of her from that diffident, bashful, shy woman to mind?

She left me with whatever I bought for her, once at bargain prices - but now at excessive cost!

In this dream, she went away and into the other world as a new host 

But maybe, with another man to smoke like a bad exhaust!

 © 2016 - Tacettin Fidan

Gitardan Kalbe - Instrumental - Dünyanin Kapilari2.mp3

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