Tacettin Fidan

 Çömez Ilımlı Olmalı

Eğer ki, sayılmaz şahsınız mahir:
Olmaz ki, hükmüne zahmet muktedir;

Baksa, işbilir cin gibi işine:
Aramazdı, şapşal gibi tehlike;

Helal et, alsın adalet bir ikbal:
Tekerrür etmesin, kazara ihmal;

Bırak teferruatı, ilgilisine:
Bulur kurnaz eller, dengi-dengine!

 (Hiç eskimeyen üsluptan bir manzume.)

- İngilizce -

A novice should be temperate

If you are not known to be a skillful person:
Your hard work will not prove great ability

If you were to attend to your work like a master genie:
You would not invite danger like a fool

Gift your Blessings!  Let justice be rewarded:
Let it not be repeated, accidentally by neglect

Leave the details to the relevant person:
Find the cunning hands, equal and equivalent!

(A verse with a timeless style.)

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