Tacettin Fidan


Kanatlar has aşklar kutsal kanatlar

Uçupta düşenler arştan kalkanlar

Güzelin güzeli hikmet tanesi

Yükseklerden indi vurdu kalbimi

Ruhumdan yükselen rüzgâr dualar

Uçuşan kuşlardan telkin ricalar

Mecnun dervişlerin kadim kahini

Çal aşk neylerini - ilahileri

Üşüşsün periler şükür burdalar

İlham dolu temiz narin duygular

Bugün aşıkların çılgın varisi

Cennetin tercihi dünde böyleydi

Kanatlar kanatlar aziz sevdalar

Bir yerde her zaman mekân ararlar

- İngilizce (English) -


Wings, bearers of pure genuine love, the sacred wings

Fly up and down, painting the sky in dreamy circles and rings

The most beautiful grain of wisdom in part

Came down from above and pierced my heart

Prayers in the wind rising from my soul in words

Are begging for favors from the flying angelic birds

The ancient seer of the love-crazed dervishes

Please, play the reeds of love along with the sacred hymns

Let the fairies flock, thank God they are here in station

With clean and delicate emotions full of inspiration

As today is the heir of wild lovers,

So was yesterday, the choice of heaven's 

Wings, wings, like saintly love and as mortal care

They are always looking for a home somewhere


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