Tacettin Fidan

 Milli Namus Adına

Yaşarsa demokrasi

Büyür şirketokrasi

Varsa hüküm müstebit

Pişer aristokrasi

El erki ve anamal

Çalarsa bize kaval

Menfaat ve hissedar

Tereyağı ile bal

Şahıs hakkı hürriyet

Şirket hakkı ehliyet

İktisadi özgürlük

Zenginliğe bereket

Azamiyse  el erki

Özler millet güveni

Düşman alır sırları

Kime kalır faizi?

Uygun mudur dindara

Hürriyet şartlarında

Askere, eğitmene

Beylik iktisadına?

Bak uluslararası

Haydutbaşı bankacı

Borçlara hüküm eden

Dünyanın mafyacısı

En çok şahsi özgürlük

Asayiş ve dürüstlük

Uygunsa en iyisi

Gelirler bölük bölük

Asayiş ki asayiş

Vurguncuya yaramış

Azınlığı ağalık

Çoğunluğu dişlemiş

Ele ver biraz para

Çeker tepeye paha

Nerde hepsi müsait

Ahmak cenneti orda

Yetmez her şeye devlet

Adet değil adalet

Eğriyi ve doğruyu

Kesemezse hüviyet

Nedir zabıt devleti?

Var mı seçmen sistemi?

Kimler kimleri fişler?

Nerde hürlük cenneti?

Dürüst müdür bak basın?

Haklı mıdır avazın?

Zenginlerin hükmüne

Kontrolöri çağırttın

Nasıl dağıtsak malı?

Eşit ise haksız mı?

Miraslık mı güçlüye,

Tesadüf raslantı mı?

Kâr gayesi gütmeyen

Dünyayı güdümleyen

Doğru dürüst bilmeyen

Vurguncudur hisseden

Çek gel bir tane kanun

Salt çekilmez o meşum

Kafi değil yenmeye

Odun üstüne odun

Şaşırtma ve yalanlar

Aşikâre soyarlar

Dün, bugün ve yarını

Hile güden ağalar

- İngilizce (English) -


If democracy survives

It grows into a corporatocracy

But if the government is despotic, 

It turns into aristocracy

Democracy and capitalism 

If they play the pipes well for us

Shareholders vested with [self] interest

Serve butter and honey on our bread

Freedom is a personal right, but 

Corporations have a right to license it

For the sake of economic freedom

And an abundance of wealth

If maximum is the level of democracy reached

People will yearn for the same level in trust preached

Otherwise, the enemy will steal all the secret profits

Who will then, live off of their interests?

Is it suitable for a religious person

Under the best conditions of freedom

As soldiers and as instructors...

To economize on government's rule and issue?

Look at the international scene:

Rogue are some bankers

They are ruling over debts

Like the new mafia of the world

Wish the most in personal freedom

Plus, public order and honesty

Take the best when suitable

They'll come in divisions of revenue

Public order is good public order

Also good for some profiteers

Minority is still the lordship

Biting on the majority's sheep!

Lob someone some money

And take the cost of living to the top

Where such games are always played

A Fool's paradise is there

The state is not enough for everything

Where justice fails in practice

A right is wrong

And a wrong becomes the state's song

What is a police state?

Is there a voting system?

Who opens a file on whom?

Where is the paradise of freedom?

Is the press honest?

Is your voice laud?

To check the rule of the rich

We must call on a comptroller

How should we distribute the goods?

If equal, is it unfair?

Is inheritance there, only for the strong?

Is such accidental encounter, a coincidence forewarned?

He who does not seek profit

But wishes to control the world for it

Though he can't tell the right from wrong

He is still a profiteer of its parts and portions strong

Go ahead yaw and pass a new law

It's just unbearable, for it's ominous and evil

It's not enough to beat the devil

Pile on papers, like wood on top of wood: A real jigsaw!

Such obfuscation and lies!

They obviously rob in clear disguise

No different yesterday, today and tomorrow

Who?  Those cheating ignoble lords in a row!

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