Tacettin Fidan

 Sülün Sultan

Ters düşmüşsün dünyaya

Dert yazılmış alnına

İster ağla ister gül

Kıymetin yok karına

Sızlanmışsın kime ne?

Hırslanmışsın bahane

Kulağı yok göklerin

Uslanırsın temkinle

Bak nerdeymiş dostların

Bak varmıymış sanatın

En çok zevkte en az dert

Mevki derken yaşlandın

Bakamazsın kendine

Küfredersin herkese

Pek yamanmış talihim

Ümit dersin servette

Fakir zengin düşünme

Kafana dur işeme

Küçümsersen kendini

Debdebe yok geçmişte

Kasvetinle şakıycan

Cennet kapın arıycan

Hatıranda ve aşkta

Sülün sultan bulucan

- Hatime (Sonsöz):

Yaban hamal katırı

Nursuz pusu çakalı

Dalga geçme müslimle

Çıkar ahret pahalı

- İngilizce (English) -


You fell and grew contrary to this world

Trouble was writ on your head, it whirled

Whether you cry or laugh, its strife

You are not worthy of your wife

Whining?  Who cares about your blues?

Are you angry?  What a nice excuse!

The sky has no ears, unwashen

You'll learn to behave with caution

See, where your friends are?

See, is there a skill to your art afar?

The most in pleasure has the least in trouble

You got older dreaming, rank, position, and label!

You can't take care of yourself;

So, you curse everyone but yourself!

"O my bad luck is like an ill-health,"

You say, "then maybe, hope is in the great wealth!"

Don't mind who's rich or poor

Stop squirting your head with bad fuel 

If you underestimate yourself

There is no splendor in your past

You should sing about your gloom

The door to Heaven may open, and boom!

In your memories and in love, in sum

A Pheasant Sultan, you'll become!

- Epilogue

O, porter's wild mule shush!

Sinister jackals can ambush: 

Don't make fun of the Devouted: Its tensive!

The price of Afterlife could be: Expensive!

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