Tacettin Fidan


İyi baksan birikir

Haddi vakti dirilir

Aylar yıllar mevsimler

Geçen günler silkinir

Yeşil yeşil yapraklar

Uzun uzun ağaçlar

Kara kıştan tezkere

Alır gelir rüzgarlar

Bir dal var ki sallanır

Bir aşk var ki yalvarır

Bahar ümit verince

O an bu an canlanır

Ahşap bir ev gıcırdar

Çatı baca mırıldar

Her yaz günü kuşlarım

Gece gündüz şakırdar

Beni ara şafakta

Seninleyim ışıkta

Karanlığa aydınlık

Verip sönen intiba

Güneş bugün batınca

Akşamlara dalınca

Zevkli hece haykırır

Ecel vardır unutma

Çıra yaktım sana ben

Kısmet taşı ezelden

Yarın bugün bitince

Bitmeyecek ben de sen

Sana bu can emanet

Bana bu aşk pür cennet

Bize sevgi hediye

Hisset canım hisset

- İngilizce (English) -


Take good care and it will accumulate

It may be resurrected in due time and disseminate 

Bygone months, years, and seasons can convey

Past our days as they just fade away

Green and greener leaves

Tall and taller trees

Discharge permits from the dark winter

Take the winds when they come back to linger

There is a branch that shakes

There is a love that begs and breaks

When the spring brings hope, then strive

This or that opportune may come back alive

Imagine a wooden house as it creaks

A roof and chimney purring at the peaks

There, on every summer day, my birds

Singing day and night, have words

Call me at dawn when its bright

I'll be with you in the light

I'll be priming the darkness

A fleeting impression of kindness

When the sun sets today

Diving into the evening at play

The pleasurable syllable cries out

Don't forget there is an end to doubt

I lit a torch and its kindling for you, Suzy

With a stone of Destiny from past-eternity

When today and tomorrow ends, cheerfully 

It will not end you in me 

My life is entrusted to you

For me, this love is pure heaven, its true!

This love is a gift for both of us 

Feel it darling, feel it, the magic's between us

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