Tacettin Fidan


Namaza durduk, dua sesleri yükseliyor

Dışarda kimsesiz rüzgar, yalvarırcasına 

camimizin pencerelerini okşuyor

Secdeye vardığımız yer, çok ama çok güzel

Dillere destan kilimler serilmiş, çok ama çok hoş

Cemaat-ı müslimin aydınlıkla dolmuş taşmış

Minareler zikir ile gökleri süslüyor

İnayet inmiş o göklerden, içimiz serin

Şüphe kaybolmuş gitmiş, Allah’a şükür

Sevincimiz güneş gibi nur serpiyor her yere

Ne mutlu bize!

Sevgi akıyor gözlerimizden

Görünmeyen derin dertlerimize deva

Uzak, uzun ve bitmeyen mesafe artık yakın

Komşumuz olmuş, muhabbetimiz yerli yerinde

Mevsimlerimiz sanki elele 

Yaz, Kış ve Bahar tamamen yetkin

Zaman hem istifa hem de feragat etmiş

İşte tam biterken bugünkü namaz ve niyazımız

Açıldı yükselen şevk ile camiden o can kapılarımız

- İngilizce (English) -


We stopped to pray, recognizing

that the sounds of our prayers are rising

The lonely wind outside, now pleading, now blest and blessing

while our house of worship's windows it kept on caressing

The place where we bow down is very, very beautiful

Legendary rugs are laid out, very, very nice and in full

The people of the holy book are filled with light and are awed

Tall towers adorn the skies with remembrance of God

Grace has descended from the skies, our hearts are at ease

Thank God, doubt is gone elsewhere

Our joy shines like the sun everywhere

How happy are we at sunrise!

Love flows from our eyes

For our deep, unseen troubles its a cure we chose

The far, the long and the endless distance among us is now close

Love has become our neighbor, our conversation is on point

It's like our seasons go hand in hand with saints whose glory we anoint

Summer, Winter and Spring are fully resilient

Time has resigned on and renounced what is no longer brilliant

Just as our prayers and supplications for today came to an end

With rising enthusiasm what the chapel up and high did ascend, 

the doors of our souls opened up to all to all grief amend

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